Create Your Own Platform for Credibility and Career Advancement

Secrets for the Reluctant Speaker

Workshop or Breakout Presentation by Jean Palmer Heck

Do you ever get called on to stand up and speak before a group? Maybe it was at a scheduled meeting at your company or at a community function. Maybe it was an impromptu request at a social event.

Sooner or later, most of us are called on to make a presentation to colleagues, customers, bosses or friends.

In Secrets for the Reluctant Speaker, Jean Palmer Heck will show you how to turn this often-dreaded event into your own platform for credibility and possibly career advancement.

In this fun-filled session, you’ll learn:

  • How to speak with confidence, whether you’re facing an audience of five or 500.
  • How to overcome dry mouth, shaky hands and other perils of the platform.
  • Practical strategies for any speaking situation.

As with all Real-IMPACT programs, this workshop or breakout session will be customized to meet your group’s requirements.

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Contact Jean directly at (317) 430-9100 or through our secure contact form to check her availability!