
TelePrompTer Tips

There’s been a lot of talk regarding Barack Obama’s use of TelePrompTers.  Many are surprised that he actually uses them in places where it seems like he should be speaking off the cuff.  I’m not here to debate that.

The purpose of this blog is to give you tips for how you can improve your presentations.  And there are times when you might use a TelePrompter. So how can you do it with style?  Here are some hints:

1.  Reading a teleprompter is like reading a book in many ways, but completely different in others. When you read a book, you occasionally laugh or smile at what you’re reading silently, but most often your face has no expression.  When you read a TelePrompTer, you must use expression.  It will help your voice and your comfort level.  You might pretend you are reading something of interest to a friend of yours.  That mental image will help.   

 2. You set the speed at which the TelePrompTer copy is moved.  You do, not the operator.  It’s a mistake of amateurs to speed up as the copy speeds up.  That results in the operator concurring that you want it to go faster, so they speed up even more.  It’s a never-ending process.  If the copy is moving too quickly for you, slow down.  The operator will adjust accordingly. 

3. How do you handle it when a podium has 2 or more TelePrompTers?  You should keep your eyes on the first one for an adequate amount of time before switching to the second.  How long is adequate?  I tell my clients to stay on one teleprompter for one complete sentence before switching.   

4. Don’t forget to use your body.   There’s nothing that says you have to stand still and stiff while reading.  Get comfortable. Tilt your head every now and then.  Lean closer to the camera.  It makes you look like an approachable person, not a mannequin.

If you’d like more information about other aspects of presenting on camera, email me for my special report, “5 Golden Rules if You’re on TV.”


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1 Response to TelePrompTer Tips

  1. nicole cates says:

    Just curious about the 5 Golden Rules if you’re on TV. THANKS!

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